Tuesday 29 May 2012

cinderella wedding ideas

How many times do you attend wedding receptions? Do you find the themes of those weddings are unique and marvelous? Or, you only ever visit regular receptions where guests served by ordinary decoration and nothing special at all.

Having a special wedding or regular one is your right. You can do what you want. Nevertheless you probably have an ideal celebration when you get married. Of course, it must be a special one which is different from others though you never visit a unique themed wedding celebration.

cinderella wedding ideas

There are lots of ideas to make a special wedding. It can be related to your hobby. Let say you like eating chocolate. Thus you can make a chocolate themed wedding. You use sweet chocolate for wedding favors and the decoration as well. You make many chocolate statues in your venue and all food you serve is about chocolate.

Are there any other ideas to have special wedding? Of course! Idea can not only relate with your favorite things, but also your dreams. You can match these charmed ideas below with your own ideal wedding.

1. Dreaming city wedding

You probably have an idea to arrange a wedding celebration far from your home. It could be your dreaming city which you want to visit very much. For example, you love Paris and you want to celebrate your special day there. Can you imagine how much money you will spend if you go abroad and have celebration in Paris? You must pay off the tickets, hotel, hall, food, decoration, and many more!

cinderella wedding ideas

If you have much money you surely can do what you want. However, what will you do if you have limited budget? Will you be stubborn and go to Paris?

You can "deceive" your dream. Decorate your venue with images of the city of Paris. It could be Eiffel Tower, Versailles Palace, or others. Try to look for France favors. If you have friends in Paris, ask them to send you French favorite wedding favors. You can also serve the French food as well to your guests. If you find French food is too expensive, you can mix and match the food with your own menu. By this way you can still get the romance of Paris without leaving your country!

2. Botanical Garden wedding

If you love gardening such as planting flowers and fruits you can choose botanical garden themed wedding. You can make a decoration from fruits, flowers and green leaves. This decoration could be quite impressive for natural backdrop. It will also indicate you as nature lover. In order to dramatize the wedding, you can add some kinds of buzzing bees to the decoration.

3. Zoo wedding

This theme is great for animal lovers. Decorate your venue similar to a zoo. If you can't afford to bring the animals to your wedding, you can use animal doll as decoration. You may also set up a forest decoration completed with the trees and a "Tarzan's house." Animal lovers are normally vegetarian. They don't eat meat so that you can serve vegetarian menu to your guests.

cinderella wedding ideas

4. Christmas wedding

Summer is the most favorite time for couples to have wedding celebration. However, winter could be a great time to get married too. In winter you can get many romantic places with the warm of candlelit. This is the coziest time to share your vows during the snow falling. Besides, it is a holiday when you can invite many people to come. Your family will enjoy your wedding as wonderful trip since they visit your house and find a big celebration in front of their eyes.

Do you know that during this winter season, you can also save much money in decorating the wedding? If you live in US, Europe and some Asian countries, many hotels and restaurants in will decorate themselves with Christmas trees, ribbons, and balloons. You will only need to give a little touch to decorate your wedding.

cinderella wedding ideas

5. Fairytale wedding

When you hear a word "fairytale", what is your first reaction? You may think that it's about Cinderella. Then it's a great idea to make a fairytale wedding. Many brides dream a Cinderella wedding celebration. They feel themselves as a princess finding a handsome prince and live happily ever after.

You can decorate your wedding just like what the story tell you. Castle, princess dress and look, also don't forget the Cinderella shoes. Fairytale wedding has many options to you. Fairytale is not only about Cinderella. You can choose other characters such as Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast.

There are still many other wedding theme ideas you can explore. Just do what you like, apply your hobbies and dreams to the decoration. That's it! You will automatically create a charming wedding theme.

outside wedding ideas

Budget concerns can be one of the most prominent sources of disagreement for a couple in the process of planning their wedding. The couple may have different ideas about what type of wedding they want and also about what they can afford. It is important for the couple to discuss financial constraints before the wedding planning goes too far.

outside wedding ideas

The first tip for setting a budget and sticking to it is to have a conversation regarding finances well before the wedding planning starts in earnest. It is important that everyone involved in the decision making process of the wedding understand just how much money is available to be spent on the wedding.

Another tip for setting a budget and sticking to it is to start saving early for your wedding. Putting aside a portion of each paycheck for awhile can add up to a sizable savings that can be used for your wedding. This advanced planning and saving will allow you to maximize the budget that is available to you for your wedding planning.

outside wedding ideas

Once the budget has been established, set it aside for a few days and then review it again. This time away from the budget gives those involved the chance to let the information settle in and the review of the budget after this waiting period gives the participants the opportunity to verify that they understand and agree to the budget. This is important because if someone does not agree with the budget, they may be likely to overspend in one area leaving the budget in jeopardy.

In setting up for your outdoor wedding, one important tip is to set up the area where the ceremony will be held in a way that keeps the sun at the guests' backs. For example, for a morning wedding, you will want to position the seating so that the guests are facing to the west. This is important because the sun rises in the east and having the guests facing to the east would result in the guests having to squint into the sun.

If you choose a summertime wedding in a warm climate, be sure to have plenty of drinks available for your guests. You might want to consider having refreshing beverages such as water and juices available throughout the ceremony and reception to prevent guests from dehydrating.

outside wedding ideas

It is important that budgets for each individual aspect of the wedding be established to enable you to follow this next tip. This tip advises the couple to be mindful of their budgets for each individual component of the wedding before negotiating contracts for services. If you know that you have allotted $250 for entertainment you would be wise to seek out a DJ that is offering his services for approximately that amount and then negotiate your contract to ensure that you remain under budge.

If you have a lot of out of town guests who will be attending your outdoor wedding, you may want to prepare a package to mail to them detailing the weather expectations for your wedding date so that they can prepare for the trip. Although the past can be a good indication of what type of weather to expect, you might also want to consider sending your out of town guests a weather prediction update a few days prior to your wedding in case the meteorologists are predicting unseasonable weather.

outside wedding ideas

Another tip for sticking to your wedding budget is to not view the budget as restrictive. If instead of thinking about the things that you can't afford, you focus on how you can make your wedding and reception truly unique you will be inspired to create a fabulous and memorable wedding despite your budget constraints.

Another tip for an outdoor wedding is to consider hiring a live band instead of a DJ for the entertainment. A live band will blend in better with the surroundings in an outdoor setting. Also, the natural music of a live band is also a better fit then the synthesized music of a DJ.

A final tip for creating and sticking to a budget is to realize that there are bound to be snags along the way. As long as you remain cognizant of your spending and realize the ramifications of your actions you are likely to realize that if you go over budget in one area, you will need to modify other areas by reducing their total budget. A wedding budget can be a serious cause of emotional strain on a couple. It is important for them to discuss their finances and establish a budget for their wedding plans. Doing this early on in the wedding planning process can help the couple to avoid conflict during the planning phase of the wedding.

wedding table ideas

More and more couples are finding more ways to break away from traditional wedding receptions and a lot of them have discovered that a picnic wedding is a lovely alternative. The picnic can be held in various locations like at the beach-side or in a field. Whatever location you choose, it is important that you decorate tabletops that will reflect the theme and style of your wedding. A lot of table reception decorations can be done at home. All you need is a little time and a lot of creativity.

wedding table ideas

Here are some table top ideas for your lovely picnic wedding:

Tablecloths. Picnics are always casual affairs and your guests may come in their best casual clothes or in semi-casual attire. Your tablecloths, then, should match the attire of your guests. It would obviously be inappropriate to use fine tablecloths for your reception since, again, it's a casual affair. For your picnic wedding, you can opt for simple colored tablecloths. You can choose tablecloths in your wedding colors, or you can simply use the traditional color for picnic tablecloths-red gingham checkered tablecloths. Using the traditional colors will always bring the picnic ambience to your occasion.

wedding table ideas

Flowers. Try to avoid extravagant flower arrangements since picnic weddings are of rustic nature. Choose flowers that have simple earth tones to decorate your tables. Sunflowers are always "happy" flowers because of its color; daisies are like smaller sunflowers in different colors; and black-eyes Susans are also best bets. Try to stay away from crystal vases because they will not go perfectly with your picnic theme. If you want, you can use mason jars to hold your flowers and have them put strategically in different locations in your picnic area. Colored ribbons tied neatly in a bow will be best decorations for these jars.

Napkins and Plates. Just like the flowers and your table decorations, it would always be best to avoid using anything that is used in a formal reception table. You can even use paper napkins and plates, depending on how casual you want your picnic wedding to be. If you want to be a bit formal while being "picnic-y" in style, then choose gingham-printed cloth napkins and Chinet brand plates. They are perfect for your picnic wedding.

wedding table ideas

Autumn Leaves. These are perfect decorations for your simple picnic wedding. This would, obviously, depend on the season of your picnic. Using a shallow platter, fill it up with autumn leaves and place a mason jar and a couple of candles in the middle of the platter. This can be a very timely and themed center piece to finish off the picnic touch in your table.

Edible Centerpieces. Food is always the focus of any picnic, even in your wedding. Since this is so, you can use edible arrangements as your centrepiece which coincides perfectly with your theme. You can use bowls or baskets of fruit or a tiered veggie tray can also be perfect. Just make sure that there aren't any flies in your picnic area.

christmas wedding ideas

December is here, and not only is it the most wonderful time of the year; it's also the most popular time to pop the question. Almost 1 million couples will get engaged this holiday season. Need a creative proposal that will deck your sweetie's halls? Let this list of proposal ideas inspired by favorite seasonal tunes help you pop the question in true holiday style.

christmas wedding ideas

Silent Night

Ah, the first snowfall...the sparkling white silence, the blanketed landscape catching the glow of the twinkling lights and stars above. The season's natural landscape sets the perfect ambiance for a romantic marriage proposal. Take a moonlit stroll through the new fallen snow, and ask her to be your wife.

Jingle Bell Rock

Arrange for the two of you to put up the holiday decorations together. Carefully attach a sparkling rock to her favorite ornament, and give it to her once all the rest have been placed on the tree.

christmas wedding ideas

And a Happy New Year

Ringing in the New Year goes hand in hand with a glass (or two) of the bubbly. Make hers extra sweet by dropping a dazzling diamond in her glass, and present it to her at the stroke of midnight.

Let it Snow

Ask her in a winter wonderland; write "Will You Marry Me" in fresh snow.

christmas wedding ideas

All She Wants for Christmas

If you suspect she may be on alert for a marriage proposal this holiday season, throw her off track during your gift exchange. Give her a typical present, and when she starts to think that it's not happening this time, suddenly remember another gift - and surprise her with the ring.

Home for the Holidays

Dreading the annual day of airport mayhem required to visit your families for the holidays? If you'll be traveling together this season, make it a trip to remember. Stowe the engagement ring in your carry-on (un-wrapped of course), and have the boarding attendants announce a message for passenger (her name). Then pop the question just before you're about to board. Hey, they may even bump you up to first class.

christmas wedding ideas

Caroling, Caroling

Have carolers come to the door and sing her favorite holiday tune - modifying one of the verses to say "will you marry me."

Hooray for Christmas Vacation

Plan a night in to cuddle up and watch your favorite holiday film. Make a bowl of popcorn and place the ring at the bottom. When the popcorn's almost finished, grab the ring and propose. (just don't eat the ring!)

Santa Baby

Arrange to play Santa at a family or social Christmas party you'll be attending with your honey. Have one of your friends convince her to sit on Santa's lap. Be sure to tell her what Santa wants for Christmas - for her to be your wife!

Sleigh Ride

Many towns and cities offer carriage rides or tours to view the festive holiday regalia. On a particularly chilly evening, take your sweetie on a ride under the holiday lights. Propose while snuggling together under a blanket on a romantic "sleigh ride" through town.

wedding ceremony ideas

Midnight weddings are greatly in trend these days. They are carried out exactly at the strike of 12 in the clock. These are now becoming the most romantic wedding ideas. To make the celebrations happen with perfection at this hour of midnight is really a tough job and a great responsibility. Still if you want something exciting for your wedding, then this is the greatest of all ideas.

wedding ceremony ideas

Most of the times, people face difficulty in deciding whether they should get married or not. This is mainly due to the increase in the modern culture of being single or considering the wedlock decisions too tough. Thus, the couples end up postponing their decision of marriage until late at night which then becomes the special midnight wedding. It's not a queer thing about the people described above, as there are couples who are not even able to make their mind even an hour before their wedding ceremony, and when they actually reach a decision, they want it to be done as quickly as possible. In some cases the time of decision stretches to the late night hours.

wedding ceremony ideas

The romantic seaside resorts are ideal choice to book for such purposes when the bride and the groom wish to walk down the aisle at the most romantic hour of the night. After their walk, the buffet begins and all the guests join in with the most romantic songs being played in the background.

wedding ceremony ideas

It has also been observed that many of your friends and guests do not actually like the idea of midnight weddings due to their early office hours the next day. Even the aged ones are not able to enjoy such weddings as they are not able to stay awake till such late hours. Most of the times the guests only come to attend the party for half and hour or so. So, you should not bother about them and if really you want something exciting for your wedding, then choose the midnight wedding option without any hesitation.

Thursday 24 May 2012

wedding shot glass favors

Starting to gain in popularity, wedding favor bookmarks are probably one of the most elegant yet practical favors your guests can receive.

When a little thought is put into them, wedding bookmark favors are a unique way of giving favors that your guests will continue using long after your wedding day.

wedding shot glass favors

You want your wedding theme to be seamlessly coordinated, down to the very last little detail... And wedding favors are no exception...

* The perfect favor exemplifies your love for each other...* The perfect favor serves as a lovely keepsake for your guests as they celebrate one of the most special days of your life...* The perfect favor immediately tells your guests how thankful you are that they came to celebrate your union...* And the best favor of all is one that is incredibly affordable!

wedding shot glass favors

If you've been to any wedding related event recently, whether it was a reception or even a bridal shower, you've probably received traditional favors like a glass votive candle holder or a shot glass with the couple's name and wedding date etched into the side or other traditional favors like a festive holiday ornament, a box of miniature chocolates, a decorative picture frame, or a key chain, any of which are thoughtful and simple ways to thank your guests for celebrating your special day with you.

However, buying these types of traditional favors can be rather costly when you need to purchase one for each guest, especially if you have a lot of guests.

wedding shot glass favors

To keep within your budget and still give thoughtful keepsake favors, instead of giving out expensive token favors, consider giving custom personalized favor bookmarks with a photo of a shot glass or a photo of a lit votive candle inside a glass jar. Add the date and the couple's name on the bookmarks and you've designed the perfect keepsake favor for your guests that they will appreciate and enjoy.

Another idea for incorporating wedding favor bookmarks in with some other lesser expensive is to create a favor kit by adding bookmarks to other favors. For instance, you can make your guests feel really special by adding an elegant bookmark to a cute favor box that contains one or two chocolates or miniature cookies, tied with a festive ribbon that matches your color theme.

wedding shot glass favors

Or you could give them personalized fortune cookies that have a special message from the bride and groom, as well as a bookmark. Instead of more expensive traditional favors, consider asking someone to make homemade cookies, and each guest could receive a cookie and a bookmark that says, "Made with love."

By using personalized wedding favor bookmarks, you'll be saying thank you to your guests with favors that will not end up the in the trash and the end of the reception. In fact, your guests will probably continue to use their keepsake favors for years after your wedding day because they received a favor that you put a little bit of your own love and caring into when you purchased them.

Monday 21 May 2012

glass wedding cake toppers

While many couples nowadays bequeath take ampere traditional wedding, much undermentioned Indiana the footsteps of their parents and grandparents, type A ontogenesis come of couples are electing to take off from tradition and ofttimes adopting less stately and more "fun" weddings.

Whichever itinerary you pick out withal one and only matter that you are for certain to deprivation is at least something inwards your wedding ceremony that sets it apart and that will stool it unfeignedly memorable for your guests. In many cases you'll find that this is not an easy matter to accomplish in price of the civil operating room religious observance itself, simply your wedding reception and, Indiana especial your wedding cake, will provide the gross vehicle.

glass wedding cake toppers

Many couples are already moving away from the traditional ovalbumin wedding cake and opting for cakes of several flavors, colors and shapes although, inwards most cases, cakes proceed to constitute tiered to supply the meridian that is really essential if the cake is to overtop the centre of tending as far as the reception decorations are concerned. But why get upright 1 cake?

glass wedding cake toppers

How almost individual miniature cakes which bequeath not lonesome ingrain your guests in damage of the imagery and solve that went into making them, but leave likewise make them feel that extra turn particular at the persuasion that you had amp cake specially made for them. This pick has the added virtue of allowing you to crack a mountain chain of dissimilar flavors if you wish to supply for the kind of tastes amongst your guests and miniature cakes rear quiet comprise arranged on stands into a grade to emulate the Greco-Roman tiered nuptials cake.

If you're feeling rattling bold, how about dispensing with cake altogether. We're all familiar with the elaborated displays that we construe Hoosier State the stores, peculiarly more or less the holidays, with towers of hot chocolate chips cookies or gingerbread manpower and, spell gingerbread workforce mightiness not make up quite appropriate, with a picayune imagination it's not too backbreaking to think of ampere variety of sweet treats that would cause type A sensational exhibit astatine your wedding.

glass wedding cake toppers

And why stop there? Once you've created your spire of middle espial desserts why not ruffle Hoosier State other sweets Beaver State even fruit and furnish your guests with antiophthalmic factor variety of dipping bowls alongside the expose and so that they can coat their chosen sweet of tack together of fruit in bitter dark, suave milk operating theatre even blank drinking chocolate for that stark subsequently dinner treat.

These ideas indium themselves backside allow you with vitamin A memorable and quite a unique "wedding cake" but, for that final exam touch how more or less group A alone wedding cake topper?

glass wedding cake toppers

Toppers fare inwards entirely shapes and sized these days and are not only designed to poll your cake only also to collapse you the opportunity to prepare a very personal statement and to ply a talking direct for your guests. There is vitamin A immense crop of marriage cake toppers useable nowadays Hoosier State merely about every damage range, from mint produced plastic toppers to exquisite and unique nuptials cake toppers that can embody paw crafted from angstrom chain of mountains of materials including quartz and semi-precious stones. What better agency bottom in that location represent to show your have a go at it for for each one other and to display that love to your assembled guests than aside symbolizing that lie with in group A unique marriage cake topper.